Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Organic Compounds of Life

In the science of chemistry, we know the term elements and compounds. The element is a single substance such as H (Hydrogen), O (Oxygen), Na (Sodium), Cl (Chlor), C (carbon), N (Nitrogen) and others. Until now, we know that there are 117 elements in the world.
Mystery Chemical Compounds
The compound is a substance made up of several elements, such as water. The water formed from the elements hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) is the chemical formula H2O written. Examples of other compound is table salt, which is formed from the elements sodium (Na) and Chlor (Cl), with the chemical formula NaCl. Cyanide is also a compound made up of elements of C (carbon) and N (Nitrogen), so the chemical formula Cyanide is CN.
There is a very unique son of the magic of chemistry phenomena. Every day you eat salt, right? How does it feel when you eat vegetables without salt? What is unique about the creation of this salt? Consider carefully about God cipataan this one:
Salt, was formed from elements that are very dangerous! This is one of the wonders of the world that we should consider. Salt (NaCl) is a compound formed from the elements sodium (Na) and chloride elements (Cl). If we look at each one, Sodium is an element that is dangerous. Very explosive, got a little water can explode and emit flames. While Chlor (Cl) in the form of gas, chlorine is greenish yellow, and very toxic.
In summary, Sodium is a very dangerous substance. Chlor also a very dangerous substance. But after they come together to form sodium chloride, then both bad disposition (burn and poison) destroyed! Even Sodium chloride (salt) is a substance that is needed by humans as a flavor enhancer.
If salt is a useful substance that is formed by two harmless substances, the opposite occurs in cyanide. Cyanide (CN) is a toxin formed from Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). Carbon (charcoal) are substances that are useful for the purification process in the industry, and are used to mbakar satay at Warung Sate Tegal. Nitrogen is also a very useful substance in the medical world, and even today is used to fill the tires of your car to make it more stable. Strangely, Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), which are substances that are both useful, but when they come together to form cyanide (CN), the power point suddenly vanished, and appeared dangerous new properties. Cyanide (CN) is toxic.

3 komentar:

  1. salt form of the element sodium (Na) and Chlor (Cl), the chemical formula NaCl. Sodium is a very dangerous substance. Chlor also a very dangerous substance. But after they come together to form sodium chloride, then both bad disposition (burn and poison) destroyed! Even Sodium chloride (salt) is a substance that is needed by humans as a flavor enhancer. Cyanide (CN) is formed from Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), which are substances that are both useful, but when they come together to form cyanide (CN), the power point suddenly disappear, and new properties appear dangerous, why it happened ...?

  2. atoms bond to form molecules, in a state
    these atoms can be stable and do not react (interrupts) other atoms. salt
    (NaCl), for example, is not dangerous to eat because NaCl molecules stable.
    But if Na and Cl split to form Na + and Cl-would be dangerous because
    ions will bind to the atoms / molecules elsewhere in the body / blood.

  3. salt has a chemical formula NaCl harmful elements but is also required by the body. elemental sodium is needed by the body, depending on the levels of sodium in the cell. sodium circulate blood throughout the body mengikutialiran boarded the red corpuscle. natrim mental deficiency, blood items will deflate. conversely if the excess red blood grains will expand and tear the blood vessels
